Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Sometimes it's hard to tell when your hair is too long and begging for a trim...

Sometimes you have to listen to the signs around you...

Like when you're cutting fabric and you accidentally chop off a chunk of hair with it.

Or when you roll up the windows in your car and it takes you 10 minutes to notice that your hair rolled up too.

Or when you have to sit up all the way to stop laying on your hair.

Or when you have to hold your hair back when you pray for your meal, lest it all tumbles into your bowl of soup or whatever food lay in front of you.

Or when you're swimming in the pool and it takes more muscles than your neck possesses to fling the hair out of your face.

All of these are signs that you just might need a hair cut.
Subtle nudges to get you into the hair salon.
Every few months, I get about 5 inches cut off, I guess it's that time again...


Candi said...

Do you ever donate your hair to locks of love? I've always wanted to do this, but never have the patience to grow my hair out.

Unknown said...

I have in the past, but they like a lot of hair and 5 inches wouldn't be enough for them. I want to keep my hair long. But if I ever decide to go short again, I will donate it again :)