Thursday, January 19, 2012


I've been in a flower making rut lately.
Nani ordered a custom order the other week, but other than that flower, I really hadn't made/or felt like making anything.

I hate when that happens.

Then I was worried that maybe opening a store and selling the flowers wasn't such a good idea.
"Do people really want my stuff?  Is it worth all the time and effort?"
That doubt runs through my head all the time.

Yesterday, a friend of mine ordered a custom flower.  After finally deciding on her color, I went to work.
All the while, worried that it wouldn't come out well, since I didn't feel in the "groove".
But as I sewed on each petal, and the flower took shape, I regained my enthusiasm for making them.  Remembering WHY I enjoy creating these beautiful flowers.

So here it is, a custom flower for my friend Bethany.
All 40 hand-sewn petals of it..
I love it.
And I'm so thankful that I found my niche again.

I was so happy making that beautiful Lilac flower last night, that today, I made another.
A Lovely 32 petal, 100% Wool, hand sewn, Carnation Pink dahlia.
Isn't it girly?

Now that I am back in the groove, I'll be making more flowers with that beautiful new wool felt now in stock.

Happy Thursday everybody!

Got any good plans for this weekend?

I do, we'll be hanging with the whole family, I'm excited!

And if I remember to take pictures, I will share our adventures here.

Take Care!


Marlan said...

I love the new flowers. I have gotten so many compliments on mine.

Tricia said...

I LOVE Marlan's new flower - it is gorgeous.