Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Teacher

Ethylwolfe met his 1st Grade Teacher yesterday.

One of the many things I LOVE about his school is that they have the teachers come to your home, meet your child, talk with them one on one, play with them, and get to know them.  Afterwards, they talk with the parents and get to know the family.

Ethylwolfe talked her ear off, told her about his family, his likes and dislikes, what he wants to learn about.  Not to mention the fact that he preached her ear off.  First he asked if she was a witness, then he told her that she could be one day and that he preaches and will be in the paradise one day.  He went on and on.  She then told him about what her class would be like and what to expect from 1st grade.  When she arrived, he was nervous, but in an instant, that was gone.  I can tell that he really likes her.

Now when he starts school {NEXT WEEK} he'll be comfortable with it all.

I must say that I really like her too!  I think that she was a good fit for him and me!
She said that I can offer any suggestions for improving the classroom like painting or decorating or storage, etc. {YES!  I'm so excited!}


Marlan said...

So glad that it went well. and at least she won't be surprised when he starts preaching to his classmates. I love that he did that.

Candi said...

Wow! Y'all start school really early! We don't go back until Aug 8 I think. It's Haylei first year for Kindergarten.

Tricia said...

Good Job E.